How to add Arabic language to OpenCart 3, which includes the following points: -

  • Upload Arabic language files and steel sheet files to the client's destination and management interface using the FTP account or hosting file manager.
  • Setting the OpenCart control panel to add the Arabic language.
  • Apply edits and preview
  • Modify the header file in the admin interface to work when calling the Arabic language.
  • Delete Cache and Preview Changes
  • Modify the header file in the client interface to work when calling the Arabic language.
  • Delete the modification cache and activate the codes to view the Arabic language in the OpenCart client interface and the OpenCart 3 control panel

    When do you need to add Arabic to the Open store manually? The main reason is that you get an integrated store, but in English now we need to integrate the Arabic language only and not the rest of the files that may disable the code of the main store that was purchased.

    One of the lessons learned is to learn about these OpenCart files from storefront files, partition management files, language files, template files, and steel sheet files.

    All the steps are detailed and explained in the following video on CBnl and on Live just like reality.